Monday, February 21, 2011

farmers' market contest: Feb 2011

**SOLVED: the person is Vincent Gallo**
congrats anon!  I will be at the market again next month and will post another contest soon!

Sunday was a beautiful day...more on that to come, but while we were at the Hollywood Farmers' Market, I noticed a famous face.  Guess correctly on this blog and we will ship you a jar of fresh Blood Orange-Passion Jam, which I must admit is absolutely INCREDIBLE!! for sure entering it in the fair-that good!

This actor/director/"artist" with a temper was seen patiently waiting in line for a hot food vendor at the market...


  1. hmmmmm......Sean Penn?

  2. i will leave a hint in the afternoon if no one gets it by then.

  3. HINT:
    he is known for a VERY intimate scene with an actress from a popular cable show that is ending this season.

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I dont know but I want to win that jam!
    Random guess.... Alex Skarsgard? people with tempers Christian Bale? ha!

    you put artist in parenthesis so im taking that to mean they aren't really an artist but they think they are one....

  7. Darn it! I keep junping through those hoops that Google puts up to complicate things for old farts like me, I guess to keep us off the net. Anyway I keep going through screen after screen since I can never remember my password. If I were cute like those luvable baby goats I'd say Vincent Gallo (sp) who's "art" was to coax that performance out of Chloe Sivigney!

  8. anon,

    i have to change that, sorry! but good news is that you got it!
    please email me you contact/ship info and i will get it over to you!

