Monday, December 13, 2010

Dear Santa....

Leave it to a work-a-holic to see Christmas and New Year's as a to-do list.
I am not sorry about though, New Year's is all about planning and seeing what i want to do in the coming year and Christmas is asking for things so i can do some of that stuff after New Year's...makes sense to me!
(KitchenAid mixy-do)-i want to make more bread.

(pasta do-hicky)-see bread reason
(juicer-deal)-i have been wanting one of these for years, we juice dozens of citrus a week, can you believe we do this all by hand??

(cheese making stuff)-i have been making simple cheeses but now its time to really make some cheese!!

(shoes)-i love these super cute Coach shoes...yes i know they are leather but i wear these things for YEARS and they look good with just about everything. they kind of remind me of school teacher shoes.

(Cuisinart)-i have had a blender/cuisinart deal for 10 years, and it is so beyond getto that i have to put a pillow over it when i turn it on-it is that loud. time for a new one (i am really hoping for this, i cannot bear to make pesto in that thing again).
(book)-Cory, who teaches the bread classes here at the shop brought this book over a while ago-it has EVERYTHING that you need to know about food, a total encyclopedia and is great for further learning.

(little table)-Coleman makes these UBER-cute tables that pack into a suitcase, perfect for the Jam Van (wait i havent even talked about that have i??)

i also want more ceramic classes-wait i haven't talked about that either...eek, i know i have been behind on the do you get a Christmas gift for doing more blog posts??


  1. I just bought a 3-cup Cuisinart deal at Sears last week. It has an attachment that pushes everything out into a bowl if you're doing more than 3 cups. It was on sale for $40 with a $10 rebate. So if you're in the market, take a look there.

    I'm so happy with mine!

  2. talking to Santa right now about it-thank you for the tip!
    the one i have right now is SO loud that i just use a coffee grinder to do neighbor upstairs thinks i am using a power tool :(

  3. There's a pasta roller attachment for the KitchenAid. I have it. Let me tell you how much time it saves me. I still occasionally roll out dough with a wooden pin, because it creates grooves that cause the sauce to stick just that much better, and I'm pretty good at it, but when I need a batch of ravioli dough in a rush, that's my go-to.
