Wednesday, July 28, 2010

CSA cooking: cucumber-basil mojitos

basket inventory: lettuce (2 kinds), oranges, carrots, grapefruit,  limes (YES!), cucumbers, basil, strawberries, green beans, watermelon, squash

(basically this and a few more items)

so it is Summer and what better way to embrace it than with a cool and refreshing drink made from the cool cucumber.  lots of high-end eateries are making cucumber drinks, spare the $10/drink price tag and make your own for $10/gallon!  typically, mojitos are made with mint-we didnt have any, so i thought of the next logical thing we had-basil!  it was actually pretty good and i made it recently for a canning class at the house.

(serves 4-5 drinks)
  • 1 c cucumbers, chopped (i like to have them pretty well chilled)
  • 1/4 c agave nectar (sugar will work too, but agave mixes so much better!)
  • 1/4 c fresh lime juice
  • 4-5 basil leaves (you can add more depending on the type, but start small them add more)
  • 2 c ice cold water
  • 1 c sparkling water (or you can omit the agave and add ginger ale or some other sweetened seltzery bev)
  • 3/4-1c rum (i tend to add a lot of ice so i add more rum)
  • garnishes: sliced cucs, basil, limes (have a little of each to help people balance the flavors)
blend the cucs with the chilled water well and strain to get the chunky stuff out, pour into a pitcher.
muddle the basil and a little agave and lime juice well. pour into the cuc pitcher and add the rest of the ingredients and mix well, adjust.  
fill glasses with ice, pour into cup and garnish-enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Yum - definitely diggin the use of basil. And of course it needs to be served in a ball jar :)

    p.s. it's Shanti, aka the girl from Long Beach, from Harriet's fourth of july BBQ. i def need to drop in soon and get some of the jalapeno jam!
