Tuesday, May 25, 2010

little-big garden

(my squash plant sportin' a chub)

yesterday evening, i went out to clean and water my little apartment garden when it hit me: this is about to bust out!
our garden, a mixture of hydroponic boxes from Harvest to Home, whiskey barrels and various pots of all sizes was about to produce a nice little summertime bounty-not too bad for a small space.
Our "apartment homestead" garden is separated into a few sections:
- The upstairs, where our front door is has most of the herbs-i try to keep them closest b/c they are in the smallest containers and dry out fast...i try to reuse my water for these plants, so they get water everyday. i am going to move the agave next and and add some grape or passion fruit vine for a little privacy and shade.

(have to trim the spikes off the agave before moving those suckas)

-downstairs: we have the veggies. next to the root cellar i have a few items (i have to leave room for my neighbor!), like those taters from a while back...they are doing pretty good!

(next to the root cellar: nopales & taters)

-under the stairs: the largest part of the garden. i had 2 tomato plants that i got from h.depot a year ago, one of them died and the other one was just barely hanging on...but now it is 4xs bigger than ever-i can see that the little yellow tomatoes are just about to ripen-YUM!
-next to it are our 2 boxes from Harvest to Home which are GOING OFF! dark kate, oregano, banana and jalapenos, cucumbers, squash and a crazy big parsley (seriously, if you pass by our place, please take some parsley).

(hydroponics and whiskey barrel tomatoes)
-in front of the boxes: i have fava beans, geranium another tomato from Adriana @ anarchy in the garden and more cucumbers.

(fava beans still remind be of Silence of the Lambs...)
-the other side of the stairs: passion fruit, fennel and lemongrass.
-next: the roof. we have access to the roof from the bedroom and i am trying to figure out how we can grow at least from items there and eventually each side of the stairs will have some food vine.

(my passion vine had no fruit!)

i am thinking once everything is done, we can do tours on living in apts/small spaces and having and apartment farm!


  1. I too live in a small place and am always trying to find space to plant more! I love the idea of touring small places and apartment farms.

  2. you got me thinking of a good workshop/lecture for the fall! i am actually working on a few more planters this weekend, will post more soon.
    if you live in the area, check out the fall calendar, maybe we will have something
