Thursday, March 4, 2010

the story of hanging out in Long Beach

earlier this week, i was in long beach doing a number of things with several of the new friends i have met over the past year who are doing some amazing things:

In the AM:
met some of the folks of Downtown LB to discuss the possibility of having our indie-craft fair in the Arts area...seems like a good fit and it naturally compliments the urban-type scenery that we have in Santa Ana...lots of old buildings and an eagerness of seems like it could fit.
This in no way would happen however without the work of community-movers-and-shakers We Love Long Beach. Founded and ran by Scott and his sister Robin Jones, this duo and their supporters, volunteers and board are truly making Long Beach a better place by connecting people and building a strong community...something that we need here in Santa Ana (hint-hint, wink-wink!). i have to admit that while sitting there talking of our ideas and ideals for making our homes/neighborhoods/community a better place i could not help but be inspired and so grateful for meeting each other...

For lunch:
i met with Robin and Scott part 2 and with another stellar LB person Adriana, founder of Anarchy In the Garden who is a woman on mission: to promote the world of gardening, punk-rock style...what were the 4 of us talking about?? Creating a Community Food Day for Long Beach. That's right- celebrating education, growing, community and the spirit that food can only bring for the masses! More to come on that...

(Adriana workin' her garden magic at last year's Patchwork Show in Long Beach)

In the afternoon:

I have heard of {open} and had been wanting to pay a visit, but as any small business owner knows, saying and "doing" are 2 totally different concepts-there is NEVER enough hours in the day nor days in the year that can allow you the time to do and meet who you want. at Patchwork LB, i made it a point to visit with the {open} peeps and what i found was a like-minded, spirited woman co-owner, Se' Reed who i immediately jelled with (pun!). After playing email tag for what seemed forever, we were finally able to meet and was able to visit this Long Beach fave destination-LOVED IT! this is truly a destination if you are in the area!

(an old-school {open} sign)

(se' talkin' books in the attic)
what did we talk about??? besides finding out that Se' and i have a cr*p-load in common and talking feverishly like old friends that had 2 hours to catch-up on 10 years lost, we also want to do few favorite classes in the LB at her space: and Foraged Foods and Preservation for Drinkers...excited about both of these events!!! below are some images from my visit.

(who would have thought i would find this treasure!)

(a fave for both of us-VONNEGUT- long live Cat's Cradle!!!)

(LOVE the artwork and displays here..everything is so special!)

needless to say i am thankful in my budding friendship with the several people i have come to know in Long many great and fruitful endeavors! ...MORE TO COME!!!!


  1. Open is the best! I saw your name on the e-mail list the other night and yapped with Se about how cool you are ! Yay for Long Beach.

  2. D Flamingo- you are too sweet!
    can't wait for the workshops there!
