Sunday, March 7, 2010

Farmers' Market sighting contest- March

I was very surprised to see this A-list actress on Oscar Day at the market...but wait she wasn't nominated this year, so i guess she decided either to not attend or put in the work of many other people attending. Was not surprised to see her at the market though, she is vocal about some of her food choices.

You have until tuesday evening to post the answer-the correct guess gets a preserve.


  1. close in the age range but Alicia i would not consider A.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. you got it rama!

    come pick up your prize starting tomorrow. and dont forget that homework i told you about! :)

  4. Woo Hoo I won hee hee I will stop by after my noon meeting.

    Also I saw her top chef and totally did not know she was a vegetarian.
