Tuesday, January 12, 2010

CSA cooking: sick soup

basket inventory: Valencia oranges, limes, mandarins, mac nuts, 2 kinds of lettuce, carrots, parsley, dill, chives, baby tomatoes, chard, radish sprouts, radishes
as already stated a few times, i was REALLY sick for the holidays. I made this quick and low-energy output soup during this time. Sometimes i would add radishes or tomatoes for a spin. Might I add that is a good soup for cleaning out the old pipes too as a warning.

  • 1 onion, sliced
  • 2-4 carrots, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, chopped
  • greens (chard, beet, mustard, kale or cabbage) chopped
  • 1/2 c lime juice
  • 2-3 tbs miso
  • 1-2" piece of fresh ginger cut into a few pieces
  • 2 tbs Braggs Liquid Amino Acids (or more)
  • few squirts of Sriracha
  • 6-8 c veg broth with (optional) lg can crushed toms (optional-only for large quantities of soup)
  • udon noodles (optional)
  • parsley, s&p, other fave seasonings (all opt)
saute the garlic and onions in olive oil for 2/3 min, add carrots, saute for another 2/3 min.
add the broth, bring to boil. add miso, sriracha, toms (if you want), ginger-bring to a boil.
during this time cook the noodles until just about ready, cool and set aside.
cook noodles (if you have them) in another pot until almost done, set aside
add everything else (not noodles) and season to taste... add noodles last few minutes or even add when it is piping hot in a large soup bowl. this will last the rest of the week in the fridge (cool before you put it in) and is great if you are too weak to make something from scratch.

I also recently added burdock root to this which makes it extra crunchier!.

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