Monday, November 30, 2009

it's getting cold in So Cal: leg warmers

truth be told, those of use in Southern California really have it good. now i am not talking gov or the financial situation of our state or most other things (prop H8T anyone??), but in terms of weather-we can't be beat-especially in Winter.
however, if you are a native to the area (like yours truly), Winter is still cold, but we still like to wear our shorts, skirts and other beach/hot weather wear b/c well, Winter in Southern California consists of sunny days mixed with dry-cold nights and mornings. what to do...
in comes the leg warmer. i became a BIG fan of he leg warmer not from rollerskating, but from years ago traveling in the Andies where REAL cold is permafrost- yeah frozen soil. i bought several alpaca legwarmers with cute llamas on them that i wore under my pants and skirts, even slept in them. they were a perfect way to keep that biting chilly wind from creeping up on you. sure you have the occasional "pull-up", but they were the next best thing to being in a "burrito-blanket" while wearing your wears and doing your thang.
over the years, i have taken to busting out the leg warmers in colder weather...maybe it is my age, but i love them-they feel good and i can still wear what i want and be collection has grown and i wanted to post a few things that i have found over the years that i love and can fit most tastes.

(DIY-style, old sweater sleeves from Wiggin' Wasabi)
(these are just like what i bought in Bolivia-peace love and cloth)
(want them now- American Apparel has them too!)(these are a great take on the leg warmer/accessory-Laine Design)
Just today i had my legwarmers on at Long Beach's first Patchwork Show, and i had several compliments of my well-worn, slouchy grey covers...hey if people liked mine, they must be popular!

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