Sunday, November 22, 2009

book review: Baking with Agave Nectar

i was recently at a friends house when i saw this great book Baking with Agave Nectar. she's letting me borrow it for the next few days where i have been making baked goodies non-stop.
we personally use agave, and lately many have been asking about canning w/ agave (of which i have no idea), but i was really interested in this book because the holidays are quickly approaching and my mother is diabetic...i would love to have her enjoy something without her blood sugar spiking while eating a "hippy" sugar.the book has a few pages introducing agave and the author's (whole food Chef Ania Catalano), personal experience with the product (and like my mother a diabetic). the end of the book contains a good little glossary and resource section, which honestly for how small the book actually is, Catalano really packs a good amount of info. and with over 100 recipes, Baking with Agave Nectar covers a pretty wide selection: vegan, gluten-free, breakfast goodies, cookies, healthy stuff for kids, pies/tarts, even sorbets and sweet sauces. What i love most is that there are a few recipes for crusts! so far i have made a few things- and i like them! that alone makes it well worth the price, especially if you are looking for ways to kick the sugar habit.

here is one recipe from the book:

from, Baking with Agave Nectar by Ania Catalano
  • 1c. oat bran, 1 c flax seed meal, 1c almond meal
  • 1/4 c sesame seeds
  • 1 3/4 c unsweetend applesauce
  • 1c light agave
  • 1 tbsp vanilla, 1 tbsp orange extract
  • 2 1/2 tbsp cinn
  • 1 tsp fresh nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4c canola oil
  • 1 cup currant/raisins (or cranberries)
  • 1 1/2c pecans (or something else!)
heat oven to 300. combine all ingredients except nuts. after add nuts and spread on a baking sheet (w/ oil). bake until slightly golden/1 hr, stir occasionally. remove from oven, add raisins and let cool. lasts 2 months.
PS: there is also a recipe for agave margaritas!-YUM more on that later!
and just in case you were interested in how agave is harvested, see below!


  1. Very cool. I have switched to agave as well and love to bake. I'm trying to figure out how to work with it still, so I'll have to check this book out. I've also been into Xylitol. It has no effect on insulin levels, actually prevents tooth decay, and may have positive effects on bone health.

  2. Very cool. I have switched to agave as well and love to bake. I'm trying to figure out how to work with it still, so I'll have to check this book out. I've also been into Xylitol. It has no effect on insulin levels, actually prevents tooth decay, and may have positive effects on bone health.

  3. awesome tip with the Xylitol...will totally have to look into that. i am going to also look up a good book for general cooking with agave, i would not be surprised if the same author had one.
