Tuesday, September 29, 2009

busy weekend and birthday plans

yes i know my birthday is in may, but i was inspired on saturday to start planning.
After a busy day at the store, i had to get ready for Elsa and Bernie's wedding (my boyfriend's sister). I was curious about what this was going to be like since i havent been to a Mexi-wedding since my mom would take me on the 18-hour journey to Nogales to visit a bunch of tios and tias that i couldnt speak Spanish to and ended up sitting in the corner somewhere or washing dishes.
But before we headed into Cafe Hidalgo in Fullerton, we stopped across the street at one of our favorite galleries-The Hibbleton.
(cute front!)

(small gallery, great art)

i got the latest copy of DWELL and a t-shirt, gustavo bought an awesome painting of maggots sitting around a dining table-he thought it was a bunch of baguettes.
(great painting huh!)

so we finally get to the wedding, and it was in this super beautiful historic building with a large courtyard. i fell in love with these branch centerpieces that had hanging candles and flowers.
(i ended up taking this home-you will see this in the store soon!)

but better than that we this 10-piece mariachi group that was absolutely AMAZING. each member sang, sometimes together and mostly alone, and you just knew that these guys were professionals-they were constantly moving around positioning themselves so that, depending on the song, certain instruments were heard or were more pronounced than others...some of the singers voices were so good that i almost cried!
(mariachi chica-she kicked a**)

that's when i knew what i wanted for Cinco-de-lilah 2010: a mariachi-taco truck-margarita extravaganza...i can't believe i havent thought about this before!

unfortunately, the awesome mariachi was replaced with a 13-piece band that looked like a small school marching band expect the band members outfits resembled Las Vegas more than your local high school. they were pretty fun though, and you calves get a serious workout bouncing around!
i have to say, it was a very fun wedding...i came home pretty saucy, wiped out and happy..congrats to Elsa and Bernie!
(passing around the serrano chilies with the dinner)

(the happy couple)

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